Improve Your Sense of Wellness

  • The Pros And Cons Of Using Re-Connective Healing To Manage Chronic Fatigue

    28 January 2022

    Living with chronic fatigue can be incredibly difficult. Some days, you might feel okay. Other days, you may barely have the energy to get out of bed. Every patient is different and responds differently to treatment. So, at the end of the day, it's up to you to find treatments that are useful and effective for you. One option to consider is called reconnective healing. This energy healing modality helps redirect the flow of energy through your body.

  • Simple Herbal Remedies For Occasional Nausea

    14 January 2022

    When the occasional bout of nausea comes on, it can keep you from doing the things that you want or need to do. There are anti-nausea medications available that can help, but if you would rather avoid these substances, you may want to consider herbal medicine. The following are some simple herbal remedies that can help with occasional bouts of nausea. Peppermint Peppermint is a commonly used herb that can go a long way in settling an upset stomach.

  • Why Consider Animal Acupuncture For Your Pet?

    29 December 2021

    Acupuncture is a form of medicine that originated in China and has been used to treat humans for centuries. Today, many people still take advantage of acupuncture. However, the efficacy of acupuncture isn't limited to humans alone. Animals can also benefit from acupuncture performed by a trained specialist. Acupuncture can provide relief from arthritis, hip dysplasia, anxiety, and more. Here are four reasons to consider pet acupuncture as a remedy for your animal:

  • Top Things You Should Know About Getting Dressed For Your IV Drip Therapy Appointment

    29 December 2021

    You might have already looked into IV drip therapy before scheduling an appointment since you might have wanted to learn as much about it as possible. Now that you've learned more about how beneficial it can be and how easy it is, you might be ready to schedule your appointment. There might be one last thing that you're curious about, though: how you should dress for your appointment. It's not as complicated as you might think, but you might feel more comfortable and make better wardrobe decisions for your appointment if you know the following things.

  • Ways To Use Monarda Essential Oil If You Don't Have A Diffuser

    15 December 2021

    Monarda essential oil is most often used for aromatherapy. Its light, citrus scent is said to help refresh the mind and body. It is also said to help clean the air and combat infectious bacteria and other pathogens. The easiest way to use monarda essential oil is to add it to a diffuser. But what if you don't have a diffuser? Here are some alternative ways you can enjoy the scent and benefits of this essential oil.

  • Why Is CBD Helpful For Anxiety When THC Isn't?

    3 December 2021

    As marijuana and its derivative products become legal in more and more areas, people have begun to recognize the many benefits that these substances can offer for various health problems. Among these is anxiety, a common disorder that affects many people worldwide. If you're struggling with anxiety and have heard that CBD can help, you might be wondering how since THC and marijuana have a reputation for inducing or worsening anxiety.

  • Common Concerns About Pets And CBD

    18 November 2021

    CBD is gaining popularity as a potential method of treating symptoms like pain, joint stiffness, and even more intense and dangerous symptoms, like seizures. While the exact science behind these benefits isn't fully understood just yet, some people swear by using CBD for themselves as well as their pets. If you've been interested in treating your pet with CBD but are worried about potential side effects or other problems, this guide may help to reassure you.